Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The happenings project, or, my destructive hubris ruins everything

The idea for my happenings project was to construct wearable woodblock prints so that I could leave a trail of hand prints where I walked. Though it took a lot of time and effort and I suffered great pains during the carving phase and despite the lack of practicality , I feel that my heart was in the right place. 

Paper model project

Based on a poem by a fellow student, I set out to illustrate their ideas in paper machet. Using only paper, gesso, and inks. 

Soap carving part 2

Soap carving part two: deconstruct the bison and make something new. With open instructions, basically I did whatever I could think of to one ode the bison, including boiling it, nailing it, color it, cut it up, carve at it, and put it on a pedistal. 

Soap carving part 1

Soap carving proved to be an a great exercise in proportion and observation. Though they're not exactly copies of the model toy, they have a nice style and good texture.